Global Navigation

The Global Navigation Menu is located on the left side of every page in Canvas. Global Navigation includes links to provide quick access to frequently used Canvas features such as your profile, dashboard, courses and inbox.

Global Navigation Menu showing account links.

The account link will open a slide-out menu. This menu has a Logout button, links to check your notifications (where you can customize how you will be notified about messages from instructors, grade updates, and course announcements), links to edit or view your profile and other account related links. In settings you can also choose which email the notifications will be delivered to.

The dashboard link will open your canvas dashboard page. This page is typically the first page that will open when you access Canvas and displays your currently enrolled courses, to-do list, recent feedback, and links to resources, and grades

The courses link will open a slide-out menu. This menu shows you a list of your currently enrolled courses and has a link to view all of your courses, including past and future ones.

The calendar link opens a calendar page that can be customized. The default page shows a monthly view and can be changed to weekly view, or the agenda view showing a list of things.

The inbox will open your Canvas inbox where you can send and receive messages from instructors, classmates, or other people in your courses.

The help link opens the help menu with the contact info for Canvas and other resources and forms that can be used if help is needed.

More Information

For more information related to the Global Navigation bar go to the Canvas Student Guide Links to an external site..

Select "Next" in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to navigate to the next section.